Your credibility as a recruiter (and writer) is at best dubious when your own writing is grammatically incorrect. Can you see the dripping irony of a recruiter writing an article lecturing people about spelling and typos in their resume, while that article contains many (many) grammar errors itself? (ie incorrect paragraph usage, run-on sentences, incorrect usage of prepositions, verb tense and possessive case, and many (many) others.) In fact, I could point out at least one grammatical error in nearly every paragraph you wrote. Let us check our own glass beach house before chucking a rock at our neighbor's glass beach house. A more constructive approach for a recruiter could be to offer the applicant help to clean up their resume and to actually help them by providing timely and constructive feedback.
The article seems to be written from the perspective that some recruiters think that by using an arbitrary filter to screen applicants that they are somehow benefiting the employer and the process. I submit that this opinion is not only dated, but actually costs a company money by missing out on otherwise qualified talent in an extremely tight labor market where every person counts towards the bottom line. The old ways of applicant screening aren't working because its become more of a global labor market than had previously existed. We must, as they say, evolve or die.
We often make assumptions about the details of things that we don’t have actual experience with, and because we have a less-defined mental model on which to base our assumptions about any specific situation, our inexperience often leads to inaccurate assessments and false conclusions. When we gain actual experience with the details of a situation, our tendency is toward saying less and listening more which categorically produces a better final outcome. Of course, we could all take our own advice, myself included. However, when you write an article that so strongly outlines nothing more than some arbitrary set of rules that you've established to filter candidates for a job, then you put yourself up for public review as well.